Let's Talk!

Are you facing some of these challenges?

  • You want a marketing strategy that works for your industry
  • You don’t have time to focus on marketing
  • You want your company to look bigger than it is
  • You've been burned before by other marketing agencies
  • You want more qualified prospects
  • You need a mobile-friendly website
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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of our most frequently asked questions - if you have more, please contact us.

How big is your agency team?

We have a fairly small group of W2 based managers, but we have an army of 125+ contractors with over 30 different specialties and experience in 150+ industries. We assign teams based on industry experience and specialty. Every contractor must have at least 10 years of experience in their core competency. This makes us flexible, efficient, capable, and responsive.

What's your typical cost for a campaign?

It depends on many different factors. so it's hard to nail down. Here is a good rule of thumb: if you are listed on Nasdaq, S&P or New York Stock Exchange, then your marketing budget should be about 3% of your annual net revenue. If you are a small business that is just maintaining your current size, you can get away with 5% of annual revenue. If you want to grow, however, you should be spending 10% or more of your annual revenue goal.

If you really just need a number, our average client retainer is about $7500/month. Our minimum  is $2500/month with rare exception. We also offer flat-rate, project based pricing for design & development, with no minimums.

What certifications does Firebrand have?

After 25+ years, just about all of them. We've been around long enough to have been involved in the testing of Adwords, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, DoubleClick, Flash, Salesforce and dozens of other mainstream marketing tools. Our founder even contributed code to Netscape, HTML and CSS, which are core technologies behind the web, all social media and most phone apps.

Can I get a quote for a custom package?

Of course! About 70% of our clients have custom packages, currently. Every client has different needs and keeping the highest level of service is our #1 priority.

What is the typical timeline?

It depends on what you need. For marketing campaigns, we generally spend about 2 weeks on research and competitive analysis for most businesses, but highly competitive businesses can take a bit longer.

For semi-custom, small websites it's typically 4-6 weeks. Larger, custom websites can take 90 days or longer depending on the amount of content.

That said, our fastest turnaround in the last two decades is 6 days. If you're willing to pay a premium, we can move very fast.

Do you guarantee marketing results?

Yes - and no. We can't guarantee your hard costs - the amount we pay third parties on your behalf. We are, however, willing to refund our profit for the last 30 days of any campaign after we are given sufficient notice. This amount can vary from client to client.

We do require annual contracts for marketing, but we have excellent cancellation clauses in our contracts - very generous compared to our competition. In most cases, you can end your contracts with 60 days written notice, with no additional penalties.

All clients must commit to at least 3 months of marketing before cancellation.

The bottom line is that we want you to be happy, and we will do everything we can to make sure you are. So far, we've never had to cancel any contracts or refund any profits.